Saturday 6 December 2014

Senior Prokart

In October 2011 I finally achieved one of my major goals and purchased a senior prokart. I bought it off of Ebay second-hand from a guy in Bournemouth and despite having to spend a not insignificant sum to get it running to a good and safe standard (after having already forked out £800 for it!) I have enjoyed the journey of getting closer and closer to my goal of being able to take the kart out to several kart tracks around the south of England.

I thought I would post  and share some of the pictures from the journey and may publish several posts to do this. I haven't got out nearly as much as I would like to in the kart over the last year and a half after a few more mechanical issues (mainly the braking system) but it is up and running sweet now.

Here are some pictures of what the kart looked like when I bought it:

These were the original Ebay pic's and the guy I bought it off sneakily took off the carbon fibre-effect engine covers when he sold it to me without me realising and the gold front hub extenders were also not included but I have since bought replacements for all of these... : )

The more eagle-eyed among you may spot the home-made fibreglass chain protectors (the ugly brown and light grey things) and I can gladly say these were one of the first things to go!

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