Saturday 27 December 2014

Lets Race - Horley, Surrey

This is a quick post about one of my favourite places to go test my driving skills and also help to see where I may be going wrong and thus improve my lap times. The venue is the Lets Race facilities in Horley, Surrey and what they have there are 10, F1 style simulators that you can try out under practice or race conditions with friends or strangers. I have now been a number of times and one of the great things is that they are able to go over your telemetry from your practice sesions and compare your fastest lap time to the fastest lap time they have recorded on their records. Your gears, brake and throttle position are all recorded and overlayed with the corresponding inputs recorded for the fastest lap and therefore, you can see where you can improve and where you are falling short as evidenced by the additional speed trace.

I would recommend this facility whole heartedly but be prepared to have your ass kicked by kids not old enough to even drive in the real world! This is not to say that the simulation is more for the gamer generation but it helps if you have played racing simulators on your PC before. Happy hunting. ; )


YouTube video:

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