Monday 8 December 2014

Senior Prokart Pt 2 - The Barren Year(s)

So not long after purchasing the kart of my dreams (so to speak), I rather abruptly decided to leave my job... because I hated where I was working. I'll give you a hint: it was a big UK bank that has a blue bird as its symbol and was being run at the time by egotistical Americans... enough said.

Anyway, as anyone out there who has been bitten by this motorsport bug will probably ask themselves too from time to time... 'why oh why couldn't I choose a cheaper hobby?!?' So to cut a long story short... the kart was in storage as I didn't have anywhere permanent to store it after I initially bought it and it would stay there until I was back on my feet job-wise.

Note the missing carbon fibre effect engine covers...

 A pretty sad state of affairs I know...

This kart was in need of some TLC...

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