Tuesday 30 December 2014

The McLaren Resurgence

In the early part of last year, I actually bumped into Ron Dennis in a private doctors clinic in central London. For someone who has watched F1 since they were born, this was quite a surprise and I was very excited to have the opportunity to speak with him.

During our conversation I proposed the idea that given the number of high level engineers taken on in recent years by Mercedes, they represented a very clear and growing threat to the competitive order of F1 and would be the team to watch out for in 2014. To my surprise, he ridiculed the idea and didn't seem to take the threat from Mercedes seriously. I am sure he is taking them seriously now...

Also, during our conversation, we spoke about the McLaren F1 team and his role within the overall McLaren company and Ron Dennis mentioned that he was currently in a position where he could only 'grin and bear it' with respect to the performance of the F1 team but things were underway that may change that in the future... We can all now see what he meant with the removal of Martin Whitmarsh as team principal and Ron Dennis convincing the McLaren shareholders to put him back in charge of the ailing F1 team.
And now that he is in charge, you can see that he is using the same determination, perseverance and sheer brute force to steer the team back onto a course to success. I realize I do not speak from any position of authority but as an outsider looking in, perhaps I can see things more dispassionately than those in thick of the battle, a la Mr Dennis and his ridiculing of the Mercedes threat. Therefore, as an objective observer, I cannot help but be impressed at the changes underway at the Mclaren F1 team.
Firstly, after a long and successful partnership with Mercedes as an engine supplier, McLaren have taken the difficult but necessary decision to cut their ties with the strongest engine supplier in F1 (by far at the moment) and join with Honda - an unknown quantity in the new turbo era of F1. Realistically, Honda are very likely going to take 2 or 3 years just to catch up with Mercedes, if they ever can under the current engine rules. But you never know, they may manage it sooner...

Next, McLaren and Honda have made the very expensive decision to hire arguably the most rounded F1 driver on the grid for the last 10 years, Fernando Alonso. Expensive but worth it. Fernando has a mental strength and competitive determination that is only rivaled by Ron Dennis himself  - perhaps this is why it didn't work last time round. More tellingly and more indicative of the sheer determination of the new partnership to get back onto winning ways asap. the team have retained Button as a driver. This will undoubtedly speed up the development of the car and lead to more consistent results (and thus points) on track. Button is a cunning one but he won't be able to mess with Alonso's head like he did with Hamilton resulting in Button being the only team mate to ever beat Hamilton over a season.
Lastly, you have the technical staff that have recently changed hands. McLaren never wanted to let Adrian Newey go and with Peter Podromou returning from Red Bull, where he has worked with Adrian since approx. 2007, along with one other close associate of Adrian's, this undoubtedly strengthens a key area that has needed improvement at McLaren for the last several years (and was something even Hamilton complained about towards the end of his stint there) the car's aerodynamics.
Therefore, I believe, out of all the teams currently undergoing fundamental re-organisations (Red Bull, Ferrari etc.) I am most excited about McLaren. With Ron Dennis back in place, the new engine deal, the driver line-up and the additional technical staff, I believe that McLaren pose the greatest realistic possibility of regaining a top position within the pecking order of F1. Unquestionably this will most likely take 2 to 3 years under the current, unchanged regulations but given this time, McLaren can become a true threat to Mercedes. I would advise Ron of this if I had the chance but something tells me he knows this little hunch of mine already...

Saturday 27 December 2014

Lets Race - Horley, Surrey

This is a quick post about one of my favourite places to go test my driving skills and also help to see where I may be going wrong and thus improve my lap times. The venue is the Lets Race facilities in Horley, Surrey and what they have there are 10, F1 style simulators that you can try out under practice or race conditions with friends or strangers. I have now been a number of times and one of the great things is that they are able to go over your telemetry from your practice sesions and compare your fastest lap time to the fastest lap time they have recorded on their records. Your gears, brake and throttle position are all recorded and overlayed with the corresponding inputs recorded for the fastest lap and therefore, you can see where you can improve and where you are falling short as evidenced by the additional speed trace.

I would recommend this facility whole heartedly but be prepared to have your ass kicked by kids not old enough to even drive in the real world! This is not to say that the simulation is more for the gamer generation but it helps if you have played racing simulators on your PC before. Happy hunting. ; )


YouTube video:

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Haas F1 acquires Marussia Headquarters

It looks like the Haas F1 is slowly becoming a reality as previously mentioned in my blog. The latest evidence emerging here.

Yet another American team will attempt the challenge of F1. The purchase of the Marussia factory is to form the European base of the team, which will also be based in America. I believe other teams have attempted to split their operations before and not made a success of it. Two bases naturally creates a barrier to the successful running of an F1team and I can't myself see how a success of this will be made. Looking at the all the other teams choosing a primary, single location, even if not in England e.g. like Ferrari, is the way to go.

Sunday 21 December 2014

Senior Pro Kart Pt 4 - Buckmore Park

One of the most karter friendly and exciting tracks to drive at is Buckmore Park in Kent. I had been to this circuit several times previously but, if driving, always in one of their corporate pro karts. Also, every time I had driven, the conditions had been damp and raining. So it was great to find that for the first time I took my own kart there for one of their owner / driver practice days, the skys were clear and the track was dry.

Some new additions to the kart included a black Alfano steering wheel with integrated Alfano timer and a completely overhauled brake system.

Leading the pack...

But not for long! Damn 2-strokes...

Into the pits in front of the new grandstand.

The end of a great day!
It was a great day and the kart performed perfectly throughout. I definitely was reaching my limits particluarly in terms of tiredness before the kart was so it was a perfect day much helped by the friendly and open atmosphere at Buckmore Park. : )

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Marussia Live Auctions this week : (

Don't forget the live auctions this week for all remaining Marussia team and office equipment with the link to register and view the items for auction available here.

Quite a sad sight to be honest but there could be phoenix rising from Marussia's ashes in the form of the new F1 team to be set up by Gene Haas as reported here.

Friday 12 December 2014

Available to buy - Senna's First F1 Car!

Despite being built in 1984, this has got be worth a few bob being the actual and fully restored first Formula 1 car that Ayrton tested and raced in. If only I had the money it would be a no-brainer!

Find a link to one of the many articles on this here.

Top Gear have also written a good article on this here.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Kevin Magnussen of Denmark

I relay liked this interview with Kevin Magnussen that Lee McKenzie carried out this year for the BBC and where she visited his native Denmark and explored his impact on the country. I particularly loved the bit where you saw the 2 year old Kevin driving a mini F1 style car down his family's driveway whilst still having a dummy in his mouth!
Link to BBC video here.

Video - FIA Prize-Giving Gala 2014 highlights

Link to the highlights here.

Can anyone tell me why this took place in Doha? $$$$$$$$$$!!!

Monday 8 December 2014

Senior Prokart Pt 3 - First Proper Run

It took a while for me to find another role in banking after abruptly leaving my previous role... there may be a lesson in that somewhere... and also in the interim, I needed to get a tow-bar fitted to my car and purchase a suitably modified trailer to carry my kart to the tracks - thank God for Ebay!

However, on first taking the kart out with a karting friend (thank you Lee!) to check the kart properly, things weren't all what they seemed... So over £300 later the kart was finally up and running and back at the track after having the brake calliper replaced, all the brake piping replaced, a crack in the chassis welded and a brand new set of Jet rims. I was therefore able to finally take the kart to Sittingbourne for its first proper run in Oct' 13 (depressingly, just over 2 years after intially buying the kart!!)

The great Sittingbourne circuit (Bayford Meadows)!

Some youngsters cutting their teeth - I hope they realise how lucky they are...

The kart after receiving the much needed TLC.

New engine covers!

Carbon fibre effect chain guards too!

A blurry picture of me in action courtesy of my Dad... :)

Needless to say it was a great day and a major milestone in my goal of taking the kart out to the various circuits in the south of England.

Senior Prokart Pt 2 - The Barren Year(s)

So not long after purchasing the kart of my dreams (so to speak), I rather abruptly decided to leave my job... because I hated where I was working. I'll give you a hint: it was a big UK bank that has a blue bird as its symbol and was being run at the time by egotistical Americans... enough said.

Anyway, as anyone out there who has been bitten by this motorsport bug will probably ask themselves too from time to time... 'why oh why couldn't I choose a cheaper hobby?!?' So to cut a long story short... the kart was in storage as I didn't have anywhere permanent to store it after I initially bought it and it would stay there until I was back on my feet job-wise.

Note the missing carbon fibre effect engine covers...

 A pretty sad state of affairs I know...

This kart was in need of some TLC...

Saturday 6 December 2014

Senior Prokart

In October 2011 I finally achieved one of my major goals and purchased a senior prokart. I bought it off of Ebay second-hand from a guy in Bournemouth and despite having to spend a not insignificant sum to get it running to a good and safe standard (after having already forked out £800 for it!) I have enjoyed the journey of getting closer and closer to my goal of being able to take the kart out to several kart tracks around the south of England.

I thought I would post  and share some of the pictures from the journey and may publish several posts to do this. I haven't got out nearly as much as I would like to in the kart over the last year and a half after a few more mechanical issues (mainly the braking system) but it is up and running sweet now.

Here are some pictures of what the kart looked like when I bought it:

These were the original Ebay pic's and the guy I bought it off sneakily took off the carbon fibre-effect engine covers when he sold it to me without me realising and the gold front hub extenders were also not included but I have since bought replacements for all of these... : )

The more eagle-eyed among you may spot the home-made fibreglass chain protectors (the ugly brown and light grey things) and I can gladly say these were one of the first things to go!

Thursday 4 December 2014

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Redbull's Goodbye to Vettel

I think Red Bull's goodbye for Sebastian Vettel sums up the monumental mistake he is making...

After reports emerged of his unexpired Red Bull contract he was in the Ferrari garage at the recent Abu Dhabi F1 tests, Red Bull's goodbye was cordial, personal and sincere. On top of promising to give Vettel one of his Championship winning cars in the future, a half-scale monument of a bull with details of Vettel's championships engraved on its plinth was presented.

On a more humorous note, a pair of tight red Speedos, an espresso cup and a pair of sunglasses were given as presents due to the sunnier climes Sebastian will be enjoying in northern Italy.
After such a goodbye, you do have to ask has Sebastian made the right decision as you can't imagine Ferrari ever treating him in such a manner particularly noting Alonso's recent send off!

Monday 1 December 2014

Vettel in a F1 Ferrari!


So here are pictures that we probably thought we wouldn't see until early next year - Vettel driving a F1 Ferrari! Admittedly the car is 2 years old and the run was carried out on Ferrari's private test track but still exciting stuff! In typical Vettel style a new helmet marked the occasion with the words 'my first day at Ferrari' written on it... :)

Just in case you can't be bothered with the link  ; ):