Saturday 27 January 2018

Silverstone Classic 2017

After having attended a number of Goodwood Revival events over the last 5 years, I wanted to see what another famous, classic car racing event would be like and so decided to attend the Silverstone Classic held at the end of July.

Overall, this was quite a different feel of event as compared to Goodwood Revival. Firstly, I was pleasantly surprised that the cost of your entry ticket gives you access to all areas (unlike Goodwood), which meant you could sit in any grandstand and you could access the very heart of the pits and stand next to cars that were being worked on and would shortly grace the circuit.

The other major difference, is of course the size of the two respective circuits. At Goodwood you can walk around the whole circuit if you so desire or hop on one of there slow trundling tractor trailers. With Silverstone's size, walking around the whole circuit is not practical but this is overcome through a dedicated bus service to various parts of the circuit and to the two paddocks. With over 100 different car clubs attending the event, there was plenty to see.

Ultimately a very enjoyable day out and well worth the price of the ticket, albeit, the event lacks the cache and atmosphere of Goodwood, which given the adoption of period dress by 90% of attendees, is really quite unique and special. Thankfully, I got to attend the Goodwood Revival again in September but more on that in a later post.

Some of the racing action...
An unlucky competitor... lost a wheel at just the 2nd corner!

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