Saturday 27 August 2016

Formula E Adopts Futuristic New Front Wing

I continue to beleive that Formula E is one of the most exciting racing series around at the moment given its focus on purely electric driven vehicles (unlike F1's current hybrid philosophy) and given the still relatively level playing field with respect to car performance across the field (albeit differentials in performance were clearly present in season 2).

One of the key elements that still remains the same is each car's aerodynamic package which helps to immediately avoid F1's largest problem at present - the large dependence of a car's aerodynamice package on its performance and the insane costs incurred by teams by running wind tunnels and super-computers to carry out CFD. This is one element, that if FE remain to keep in place, would allow it to potentially rival F1 in the future in terms of providing a real racing spectacle.

This has not stopped the evolution of the look and feel of the standrad aero' package but the latest changes have not been made to improve performance but to improve the aesthetics of the cars. For this I once again applaud FE and believe it reveals the genius of the series. By developing a more futuristic front wing they have begun a journey into making their race cars look more futuristc than other single seater race cars out there and they can use this element of the 'Formula' as a key differentiator going forward. 

As you can see from the pictures, the new front wing looks amazing and even resembles some of the concepts we saw from Ferrari and Red Bull  for their visions of the ultimate racers. Unfortunately for these two F1 teams, it looks like FE will get their cars closer to the look and feel of their futuristic racers long before F1 ever does.

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