Monday 28 March 2016

Formula E Virtual Championship!!!

I only caught wind of this over the last few days but it appears Formula E are pulling off another master stroke at winning over new audiences by launching a virtual championship. The competition requires the ownership of an XBox One and I am guessing a compatible racing wheel (can't be setting competitive lap times on a controller). Unfortunately, I am an owner of neither and will not be able to justify the expense to the other half even if there is a share of a 15 thousand Euro purse up for grabs... : ( I would definitely be purchasing both right away if I had my way...

The format appears to be four rounds and utilises the Forza 6 game as the basis of the championship to which the Formula E cars were recently added. More details can be found in the following links:

Formula E website

The Verge

One lucky lady...

I came across this Youtube video several weeks ago and enjoyed the unique insight into how the super rich get their driving fix! What an amazing car the FXX K is and what an experience to be able to take one to the track on one of Ferrari's specially arranged trackdays and Spa no less! Oh how the other half live. To say I am envious would be an undertstatement.

To top it all, this car belongs to a certain Christine Sloss, who I had absolutely no idea who she was when I first watched this video but very quickly found out. Oh to be married to a Google executive - those guys are obviously making some serious money.

Good for Christine though as she looks to be the real deal, apparently lapping very respectable lap times at Fiorano when she first went to try out her yellow FXX K (which is in addition to the trackday only Ferrari 599 XX she already had in her possession). 

The yellow was at first a little shocking but after a while looks pretty cool and looks to be a trait of the Sloss family car collection which includes a La Ferrari in the same colour too.

As I have said before, when you see a lady all decked out in overalls you know she is dressed as such because she is investing in a hobby she is obviously taking seriously as opposed to a guy who buys the overalls to try and look the part (whilst not necessarily being the part). I have a lot of respect for Ms Sloss as she clearly is the real deal...! What a lucky lady to have the opportunity to enjoy her hobby at such a level as this.