Friday 20 January 2017

RAC Club London

I had the chance to finally visit one of the automotive related places I have had on my bucket list to visit for quite a while now - the Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall. The visit did not disappoint; the club was immaculately presented throughout and had some amazing paintings on the walls.

In the rotunda was presented a Jaguar XK120, which just added to the aura of automotive history the inside of the building already portrays.

Membership to the club was confirmed to me as requiring two existing members to both propose and vouch for you. A 12 month waiting list exists and even once your name gets to the top of the list there is an interview to attend with the relevant committee.

Sounds all very old fashioned and exclusive but I think it is amazing that such places still exist and hope that the club is around for at least another couple of hundred years...!