Thursday 28 December 2017

2017 London Classic Car Show

Despite not posting for the majority of 2017, my motorsport related activities have been more frequent and more varied than ever before and it will be challenging to ensure I cover all the events attended/taken part in during the year. But I will attempt to catch up in this and the following posts!

So first up was the London Classic Car Show held in the Excel London in February. this was the first time I attended this particular show or any classic car focused show, so I was looking forward to seeing what it would be like. An indication of how hot the classic car market has become was this keenly priced Porsche Turbo.

The main attraction of the show was the Grand Avenue, where classic cars of all ages were paraded up and down with varying degrees of enthusiasm by their drivers. This really helped bring the show to life as looking at static car displays all day can get a trifle boring after a couple of hours.

Some of the stars of the show for me are shown here but the best part of the static part of the show was the Ferrari stand, which was a comprehensive display of its cars over the last 50 years or so.

The whole event, only in its third year, was quite well run and worth the entry ticket price - an enjoyable and worthwhile day out.

Friday 20 January 2017

RAC Club London

I had the chance to finally visit one of the automotive related places I have had on my bucket list to visit for quite a while now - the Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall. The visit did not disappoint; the club was immaculately presented throughout and had some amazing paintings on the walls.

In the rotunda was presented a Jaguar XK120, which just added to the aura of automotive history the inside of the building already portrays.

Membership to the club was confirmed to me as requiring two existing members to both propose and vouch for you. A 12 month waiting list exists and even once your name gets to the top of the list there is an interview to attend with the relevant committee.

Sounds all very old fashioned and exclusive but I think it is amazing that such places still exist and hope that the club is around for at least another couple of hundred years...!